10 Steps To Building an Efficient Product Launch Social Media Strategy for Info Product or Ebook Creators

Hello fellow coaches, info product creators, and ebook enthusiasts! Today, I want to share something special with you—my personal journey and the impact of an efficient social media strategy on my product launches. So, settle in, because we're about to go on a social media adventure together where I'll spill the beans on why having a rock-solid social media strategy is an absolute game-changer for selling your products!

Picture this: Back in 2016, when I started my journey as an info product creator, I thought all it took was a fantastic product and a sprinkle of luck to attract shed-loads of eager buyers. Little did I know that the key to unlocking the true potential of my creations lay in the power of social media. I get that this sounds cliche but it's true—I, too, was once sceptical about the hype surrounding social media platforms, but that scepticism quickly disappeared after my first, second and third launches!

Now, fast forward to the present, and I can confidently say that crafting a well-thought-out social media strategy has revolutionised the way I launch my products. From that initial twinge of doubt to experiencing a surge in sales and a genuine connection with my audience—my journey with social media has been nothing short of transformative.

But enough about me—let's talk about YOU! Maybe you’re tired of spending countless hours creating a stellar info product or writing an amazing ebook, only to find yourself struggling to get it into the hands of your dream customers. Maybe you find yourself lost in the vast sea of social media platforms, wondering which one will work best for your products? Well, I've been there too, and I'm here to share all my insights with you so you can shorten your learning curve.

In this blog post, we'll dive deep into the world of social media and uncover the untapped potential it holds for product launches. I'm excited to walk you through the very strategies that have helped me and my wish is that by the end of reading this blog post, you'll be equipped with the tools and know-how to launch your own products like a social media superstar!

Here's what you will learn:

10 Steps To Building an Efficient Product Launch Social Media Strategy for Info Product or Ebook Creators

Understanding Your Target Audience

So let’s get back to when I first started as an info product creator. I had poured my heart and soul into developing what I believed was a game-changing product. But here's where I stumbled—I was so eager to get it out there that I skipped one crucial step—understanding who I was selling my product to; my target audience. I figured my product was so amazing; it would be a hit with everyone! I was wrong.

You see, understanding your target audience is the heart and soul of any successful social media strategy. It's like trying to hit a bullseye blindfolded—chances are, you'll miss the mark. That's what happened to me. I launched my product to crickets—I couldn't understand why people weren’t buying it.

But that's when I took a step back, took a deep breath, and did some serious soul-searching. If I wanted my products to shine, I needed to know who I was creating them for. This is the first lesson I learned—the significance of knowing your target audience before you even think about launching.

By defining your target audience, you gain invaluable insights into their needs, preferences, challenges, and desires. It's like having a treasure map that leads you straight to their hearts. So, here's your first task—get to know your audience like they're your best friends. Dive into their world, ask questions, and listen intently to their hopes and dreams.

Now, let's talk about how to research and understand your target audience better. One of the most effective methods I've used is “social media stalking”—well, not really stalking, but you get the idea! I would join Facebook and LinkedIn groups, read comments on YouTube, read reviews on competitor sites and pay attention to what they're saying.

I'll never forget the "aha" moment I had when I stumbled upon a thread where my potential customers were talking about what really bothered them and what they were finding it difficult to do. It was like a lightbulb went off in my head—I finally understood what they needed, and that knowledge became the foundation of my social media strategy.

But here's a cautionary tale—don't assume you know your audience without doing the legwork. I made that mistake, and it cost me dearly. Don't rely on guesswork or hunches. Your social media strategy should be rooted in solid insights, not wishful thinking.

Setting Clear Goals and Objectives

So we've laid the foundation by understanding our target audience, it's time to take the next step—setting clear goals and objectives for our product launch social media strategy. Trust me, this is where the magic happens.

When I was starting, I used to get so caught up in the excitement of launching my products that I forgot to define specific goals and objectives. I thought, "Well, I want to sell as many copies as possible!" But that's like sailing a ship without a map—how will you know if you've reached your destination?

Defining clear goals and objectives is like plotting your course on a treasure map. It gives you direction, purpose, and a way to measure your progress. So, before you even craft that first social media post, ask yourself, "What do I want to achieve with this product launch?"

What are measurable goals? These are the gold nuggets that will drive your strategy forward. For example, when I launched my last ebook, I set specific targets: I wanted to get at least 200 people onto my email list. I ended up getting about 250. I also wanted to sell about 20 copies but went on to sell 40.

Now, let me share how setting clear goals helped me measure the success of my social media strategy. When my launch was in full swing, I regularly checked how many people were visiting my website, I monitored my lead generation efforts, and tracked my social media engagement.

Doing this allowed me to track my progress and make informed decisions along the way. So if I realised that my website visitor numbers weren't where I wanted it to be, I adjusted the type of content I created or the number of posts I made. If my lead generation efforts weren't hitting the mark, I fine-tuned my landing page. It really helped me stay on course and make corrections when needed.

So, here's your task: Outline your own measurable goals. Do you want to boost sales, expand your email list, or gain more followers? If your goals are sales, remember this. It’s more than likely that 1-2% of the people who see your product, will become a customer, if your product is good. 

Another lesson I have for you—don't set too many goals at once. It's easy to get overwhelmed and lose focus. Instead, start with a few key objectives, achieve them, and then set new ones as you progress.

Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms

One thing I see a lot of people doing is trying to be everywhere at once. They’re on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube. They think that more exposure means more success. This is a mistake! What will happen is that you’ll only spread yourself thin and struggle to maintain a consistent presence.

Analysing popular social media platforms and understanding their suitability for different types of products is the key to success. Each platform has its unique strengths and demographics, and it's essential to pick the ones that align with your offerings and target audience.

Also here’s a key tip—don't let the fear of missing out drive your decisions. It's tempting to be on every platform, but it's better to excel on a few than to be mediocre on many. If you haven’t yet settled on the platform you will use, let's analyse some of them together:

1. Facebook: This platform offers a vast audience, making it suitable for a wide range of products and services. It's great for building communities, sharing content, and running targeted ads. I've used Facebook successfully to engage with my audience through groups, live streams and I also used ads.

2. Instagram: If your products are visually appealing, Instagram is a goldmine. With its focus on visuals, it's perfect for showcasing products through images and videos. I think Instagram could be ideal for ebook launches, where stunning visuals and captivating quotes can work wonders.

3. LinkedIn: If you cater to a professional audience, you should try LinkedIn. It's excellent for B2B (business to business) products and services. In the past I’ve used it especially for my freelancing services where I targeted entrepreneurs and business owners.

4. Twitter: For real-time updates, announcements, and engaging in conversations, Twitter is a valuable tool. It's perfect for event-based launches and creating a buzz around your offerings. So if you have a live webinar, you might want to use it to spark conversations and increase engagement. 

Now, let's talk about choosing platforms based on your target audience's demographics and preferences. Remember when I mentioned the importance of understanding your audience in the previous section? Well, this is where it comes into play. Get to know your audience's favourite hangouts, their preferred content formats, and their social media habits.

For instance, when I launched my freelance services targeting local businesses, I found that Linkedin was the go-to platform for this professional demographic. So I focused my efforts here.

Here's a pro tip: Choose two or three social media platforms and when you’re launching promote your product on these platforms and track which one brings you the best traction. Then analyse all platforms and focus on the one that is gaining more followers, driving more traffic and generating more sales. This could be useful, if for example, you didn’t know where to start. It’s a surefire method to find out where your audience is quickly. 

Creating Compelling Content

Now that we've sorted out the platform puzzle, it's time to tackle the heart and soul of your social media strategy—creating compelling content that will captivate your audience. I hope that these tips will help you create content that stands out from the crowd because in this noisy digital world, you’ll really need this to differentiate yourself.

Creating high-quality, engaging content is like crafting a love letter to your audience—it shows that you care and value their attention. I remember as a network marketer when I was trying to sell a product, I had no strategy behind my content. I merely rushed to post just for the sake of posting, and the results were underwhelming.

But now I know better. Your audience craves content that resonates with them—content that educates, entertains, or inspires. So, let's start with headlines—they are the first impression that hooks your audience in. You want to craft headlines that promise a benefit, evoke emotion, or pose a question. For example, instead of a dull headline like "Check out my new ebook," try "do you ever wish that you could design your dream, luxury bedroom and keep it under budget?” See the difference? 

The first sentence, "Check out my new ebook," is superficial because it lacks any form of engagement or value proposition. It merely states the existence of the ebook without offering any incentive for the audience to click or explore further. It falls flat and doesn't evoke any emotion or curiosity. As a result, it's unlikely to capture the attention of your target audience or compel them to take action.

On the other hand, the second sentence, "Do you ever wish that you could design your dream, luxury bedroom and keep it under budget?" is much better because it immediately connects with the audience's desires and pain points. By starting with a thought-provoking question, you tap into the audience's aspirations—designing a dream bedroom. Moreover, you address a common concern—keeping it under budget.

This headline not only resonates with the audience but also promises a benefit—achieving a luxurious bedroom without breaking the bank. It elicits an emotional response as it speaks to the audience's desire for a beautiful and affordable space. As a result, it sparks curiosity and encourages the audience to read further to discover how they can fulfil their wish.

The difference between the two headlines is striking. While the first one falls into the trap of generic self-promotion, the second one shows empathy and understanding of the audience's needs. It invites the audience to envision their dream bedroom and leaves them eager to find out how your ebook can make it a reality.

So I hope you can see how that works. Now, let's talk visuals—I cannot stress enough how crucial they are. Visuals should complement your message, not overpower it. Avoid cluttered images that distract from your core content. Keep it clean, eye-catching, and relevant. And if you’re still not sure, images of myself worked really well.

Also, feel free to mix it up! Use videos to tell your story, share behind-the-scenes peeks, or offer valuable tips. 

Infographics are another gem—they're like mini-tutorials that are easy to digest. You can create an infographic to highlight the benefits of your digital product, to provide statistics or tell a story. 

And let's not forget good old text posts—these are perfect for heartfelt messages, thought-provoking quotes, and engaging questions. Remember, it's not about choosing one format over another—it's about using a mix of content formats to keep your audience excited and coming back for more.

So, invest time in crafting high-quality, engaging content that speaks directly to your audience's desires. Write headlines that draw them in like a magnet, use visuals that tell your story authentically, and embrace a variety of content formats to keep things fresh and exciting.

Planning A Content Calendar

Let’s talk about the secret that keeps your social media strategy on track—a well-structured content calendar that will help you plan like a pro!

I used to fly by the seat of my pants, posting whenever inspiration struck. As you can imagine, that led to inconsistency and missed opportunities to engage my audience effectively.

When you use a content calendar, however, you will guide your social media journey. It keeps you organised, helps you stay on track, and ensures you deliver a consistent flow of valuable content to your audience. Plus, it's a powerful tool to avoid last-minute panic and maintain your sanity during busy launch periods.

So, let me walk you through a step-by-step guide to creating a well-structured content calendar:

Step 1: Set clear objectives - Start by defining your launch goals and the key messages you want to convey through your content. Identify the content formats you'll use—videos, images, infographics, and text posts. Knowing your objectives will give your calendar a clear direction.

Step 2: Choose a platform - You can use various tools like Google Sheets, Excel, or specialised social media scheduling apps to create your calendar. I found Google Sheets to be convenient because it allows easy collaboration and access from anywhere.

Step 3: Think about your posting frequency - Consider your audience's preferences and your own capacity to create content. Don't overcommit and burn out—consistency is essential. Whether it's once a day, three times a week, or on specific days, choose a posting frequency that you can maintain.

Step 4: Plan content themes - Create a variety of content themes that align with your product launch and resonate with your audience. Themes can revolve around the product benefits, customer success stories, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and more.

Step 5: Assign dates and time slots - Schedule your content for specific dates and times. Consider peak engagement hours on each platform and adjust accordingly. This way, you'll have a well-balanced and timely mix of content.

Step 6: Maintain flexibility - While planning is crucial, don't be afraid to leave room for flexibility. Be prepared to adapt your calendar based on real-time insights, audience feedback, and unforeseen events.

Now, let's talk consistency—it's the glue that holds your social media strategy together. 

Consistency breeds trust. It shows your audience that you're reliable, committed, and invested in their needs. When you show up consistently with valuable content, you become a reliable resource, and your audience will keep coming back for more.

But don't worry, consistency doesn't mean you have to be a content-producing machine. It means sticking to your content calendar and posting at regular intervals. It's better to post consistently once a week than to bombard your audience sporadically.

And if you’re having a hard time coming up with content consistently, my Product Launch Social Media Toolkit will come in handy. You no longer need to be overwhelmed by the thought of coming up with compelling copy, eye-catching graphics, and a winning social media strategy from scratch. I’ve done all the hard work for you. With my toolkit, you'll have access to professionally crafted copy templates, graphics and a launch calendar that will streamline your process and set you up for success.

Product Launch Social Media Toolkit

Say Goodbye to Social Media Paralysis: Launch and Sell Your Product Effortlessly with Our Done-For-You Product Launch Social Media Toolkit for Ebook and Info Product Creators.

Get The Toolkit Now

Utilising Influencers and Partnerships

Here’s a game-changing strategy that can skyrocket your product launches—leveraging influencers and partnerships in your niche. This is a personal favourite of mine, and I can't begin to tell you how this helped me supercharge my success!

Collaborating with influencers or partners comes with so many benefits. This was one of the strategies that I tried when I decided to launch one of my toolkits. Working with influencers who already had a dedicated following expanded my reach and brought fresh eyes to my offerings.

What I did was team up with blog owners and other product and service providers who had an online presence and whose offerings did not conflict with mine, but their audience were similar. For example, I wanted to connect with business owners whose audience were coaches so I reached out to people who sold coaching software or trained coaches. Their offer was very different to mine, but they served the same people.

It was also important that their values aligned with mine, and that authenticity translated to genuine interest from their audience. It's like having a trusted friend recommend your products, and that level of trust is pure gold in the world of social media marketing.

Here’s your next task: Identify influencers or partners whose audience matches your target demographic. Look for those who have engaged followers and a genuine passion for what they offer. Authenticity is the key here—genuine partnerships will resonate with your new audience and build trust like nothing else.

Connecting with potential collaborators can seem daunting! But here’s my lessons for you. First and foremost, approach influencers and partners with a genuine interest in what they do. Don't just reach out with a sales pitch—instead, engage with their content, leave thoughtful comments, and build a relationship.

Be clear about what you can offer them in return. Whether it's a commission, exposure to your own audience, or a valuable resource, make sure it's a win-win situation for both parties. Remember, collaboration is about mutual benefit and supporting each other's growth.

Leveraging Social Media Advertising

I’ve had a few people ask me whether they should use ads to launch their digital product. Paid social media advertising is like having a turbo boost for your product launches. While organic reach is fantastic, investing in targeted ads allows you to reach a broader audience and put your offerings in front of the right people at the right time.

But there is a big but! I would only recommend that you use social media ads, if you know what you’re doing and if you have a budget for it. 

You see, you can either invest time or money into launching your digital product. Most beginners do not have the money to invest, which is why they take the organic route.

If you do want to use paid ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Twitter Ads, and LinkedIn Ads are some of the popular choices. Each platform offers unique targeting options, allowing you to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviours.

I have used Facebook and Instagram Ads before. You don't need to break the bank. You can start with a modest budget and test different ad formats, targeting options, and creatives. The best type of strategy is creating content that is educational, helpful and resonates with your audience’s desires and pain points in the first instance and then retargeting your audiences by letting them know about your offer. Retargeting is a powerful technique that displays your ads to people who have previously engaged with your content or visited your website. These warm leads are more likely to convert, and retargeting keeps your brand fresh in their minds.

Make sure to always analyse the data, identify what works best, and gradually scale up your budget as you gain confidence in your winning formula.

Engaging Your Audience

As we continue our journey to social media mastery, there's one important aspect that can make all the difference in your product launches—engaging with your audience. This is the heart and soul of building a loyal community and fostering meaningful connections.

Don’t think that once you launch your product, your job is done. Nope. Engaging with your audience is an ongoing process—it keeps the momentum alive, builds trust, and turns customers into loyal advocates.

Make it a priority to respond to comments and messages promptly. When someone takes the time to engage with your content or reach out to you, it's a golden opportunity to nurture that connection. Some interactive strategies you can think about for launching are using contests. 

In fact, Best Self Co did a really good job at this when they launched their Self Journal. They organised a giveaway of productivity tools to create virality. This helped them create excitement around their launch, and it also introduced their product to new audiences who shared their content.

Another fantastic strategy is Q&A sessions. Hosting live Q&A sessions on social media platforms allows you to directly address your audience's questions and concerns. It's like having a virtual coffee chat with your followers, and the personal touch goes a long way in building trust and credibility.

And speaking of live, let's not forget the power of live streams. I've hosted live webinars during my coaching service launches, and the real-time engagement was amazing. My audience loved the opportunity to interact with me, ask questions, and get immediate answers.

Remember, authenticity is key in engagement. Don't be afraid to show the real you—your enthusiasm, passion, and vulnerability. Authenticity builds rapport and makes your audience feel like they're part of your journey.

One lesson I've learned along the way is not to shy away from addressing negative feedback or criticism. When you address concerns openly and respectfully you can turn a negative situation into a positive one.

Pro tip: Don't delete negative comments—use them as an opportunity to showcase your excellent customer service and willingness to listen and improve. Your audience will appreciate your transparency and responsiveness.

Analysing and Iterating

And finally, the one essential step that cannot be overlooked—analysing and iterating your social media performance. The significance of monitoring and analysing your social media performance cannot be emphasised enough. Let's talk about some tools and techniques for tracking those metrics that will tell you how your performance is going. Social media platforms offer built-in analytics, providing valuable insights into reach, engagement, and audience demographics. Take advantage of these tools to understand which posts perform best, what resonates with your audience, and when your followers are most active.

In addition to platform analytics, third-party tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social can provide more in-depth analysis and help you track metrics across multiple platforms. These tools allow you to measure click-through rates, conversion rates, and audience growth, providing a comprehensive picture of your social media performance.

If you’re new to this, don’t get overwhelmed with the sheer amount of data available. The secret is to identify the metrics that align with your launch objectives. If your goal is to drive more people to your website, focus on click-through rates and clicks. If it's about building a community, look at engagement metrics like likes, comments, and shares.

Create a social media dashboard to track your key metrics regularly. This will save you time and keep you focused on what matters most for your product launch success.

The next thing you need to do is learn from your launch experience and make improvements for the future. After each launch, take the time to review your performance data and reflect on what worked well and what could be enhanced.

For example, during one of my ebook launches, I noticed that my engagement was significantly higher when I shared behind-the-scenes moments of the writing process. I learned that my audience appreciated transparency and authenticity, so I made it a point to incorporate more behind-the-scenes content in future launches.

Here's the takeaway—don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Social media is a dynamic space, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Iterate and adapt your strategies based on data insights and audience feedback. It's a continuous learning process that will lead to continuous growth.

Finally, embrace the journey of learning and improvement. Celebrate your wins and acknowledge your areas for growth. Remember, every launch is an opportunity to refine your social media strategy and take it to the next level.


We've reached the end of our journey to master the art of social media for product launches. I want to take a moment to summarise the key points we've covered, drawing from my own experiences, lessons learnt, and valuable insights.

Throughout this blog post, we've explored the power of a well-planned social media strategy for product launches. I've been in your shoes—I've faced the challenges and uncertainties, but I've also experienced the incredible impact that a thoughtful strategy can have on the success of a launch.

We started by understanding the importance of defining your target audience. I've learned the hard way that skipping this crucial step can lead to misaligned messaging and missed opportunities. So, take the time to research, understand, and connect with your audience—it's the foundation of a successful social media campaign.

Setting clear goals and objectives was our next step. Make sure that you set measurable and achievable objectives, so your social media efforts can be purposeful and yield fantastic outcomes.

Choosing the right social media platforms is also imperative. Don’t try to be everywhere at once since this can stretch your resources thin. Try launching on a couple platforms and then focus on the one that’s gaining traction. 

Creating compelling content has been a constant pursuit of excellence. There’s power in using engaging headlines, captivating visuals, and diverse content formats. It's like weaving a story that keeps your audience excited and eager for more.

And let's not forget the secret step—leveraging influencers and partnerships. I've learned that collaboration is a potent tool for expanding reach and building credibility. When I aligned myself with influencers in my niche, their endorsement breathed life into my product and service launches and introduced my offerings to new audiences.

Paid social media advertising can be a turbo boost that accelerates your launch to new heights. Invest carefully if you have the budget and know what you are doing. 

Engaging with an audience is the heart and soul of any social media strategy. Responding to comments, hosting interactive sessions, and showing authenticity builds trust and loyalty like nothing else. It's the key to cultivating a community of passionate brand advocates.

Lastly, I've learned that the journey doesn't end with a launch. Analysing and iterating based on data insights and audience feedback is the pathway to continuous growth. Each launch is a stepping stone toward greater heights, and the learning process never stops.

So, here’s a final thought—embrace the power of a well-planned social media strategy for your product launches. Let the insights and experiences shared in this blog post guide you to success.

Thank you for joining me on this remarkable journey. Together, we've uncovered the secrets to social media mastery, and I'm excited to see you thrive. Now, go out there, launch with confidence, and make your mark on the world. Here's to your triumphs and countless victories ahead!

Additional Resources To Help Make Your Product Launch Easier

If you prefer to have a product launch social media strategy done for you, I want to introduce you to my resource that will simplify and streamline your ebook or info product launch—Product Launch Social Media Toolkit. 

The toolkit provides captivating done-for-you social media copy, eye-catching graphics for any platform, and a strategic roadmap for your social media journey. 

It's designed specifically for coaches, info product creators, and ebook creators and addresses the unique challenges we've discussed in this article.

Product Launch Social Media Toolkit

Say Goodbye to Social Media Paralysis: Launch and Sell Your Product Effortlessly with Our Done-For-You Product Launch Social Media Toolkit for Ebook and Info Product Creators.