Business and Marketing Planner Closed Mockup

How The Planner Works

Business + Marketing Planner For Digital + Info Product Start-Ups


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Unlock the full potential of your digital product business with our comprehensive planner. Crafted to guide you at every stage of your journey, this indispensable tool offers a wealth of benefits:

  • Get ideas for a digital product that will drive profitability and resonate with your target audience.
  • Understand who is the ideal customer for the product.
  • Identify customer needs and pain points of your chosen product.
  • Identify a unique selling proposition that sets your digital product apart from your competitors.
  • Identify possible key benefits, and features of the digital product so it becomes irresistible to your customers.
  • Understand the different ways to make money from the digital product to maximise its profitability.
  • Identify pricing strategies to maximise your revenue and align with your target customer's perceived value.
  • Identify ways to promote the digital product to ensure widespread visibility and success.
  • Produce messaging that you can use when promoting to drive interest and purchases.
  • Produce content ideas that you can use when promoting to generate interest and engagement.
  • Identify a brand image to help you remain consistent and attract the right audience.
  • Identify scaling strategies to grow your digital product business.

Here's everything you'll get with the Business + Marketing Planner For Digital Product Creators

  • AI-Powered Insights: Access a library of ChatGPT prompts to gather AI-generated guidance on every facet of your digital product venture.
  • Strategic Planning: Utilise our Comprehensive Guided Workbook to create a solid foundation for your business, ensuring no crucial detail is overlooked.

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We use Send Owl to help us take your payment. When you click Initiate Checkout you will be taken to our payment page on Send Owl.