Profit With Talks & Webinars Toolkit

Profit With Talks and Webinars


Get Instant Access To A Simple System That Successfully Books And Fills 3-5 Client-Attracting Talks or Webinars Within 90 Days

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Most coaches struggle to get clients consistently because they feel they need experience and therefore credibility before they even get started.

What they don’t know is that several coaches are getting amazing clients, even if no one knows who they are.

And they’re doing it in a way that does not involve the usual things such as posting on social media, building a following, writing a blog or running ads. 

You see doing all "those things", is the reason why coaches feel exhausted and “burnt-out” before they even get started.

When you qualified as a coach, we know you didn’t sign up to be pulled in so many different directions - when really and truly, all you want is to work with amazing clients, deliver incredible transformations and earn a great income for your efforts. 

You want that journey to be smooth; one where you don't have to worry about being stressed, overwhelmed or exhausted looking for your next client.

Most coaches follow the advice of or copy what they see other successful coaches doing, without really understanding why it’s being done.

And what happens is they become frustrated or feel stuck when they’re not getting similar results.

So what can you do instead?

Focus on a single strategy that is designed to build instant credibility, establish instant trust and get you in front of audiences that are excited to hear from you - why? Because you're recommended by someone they already know, like and trust.

So what's the strategy that we encourage coaches to start with and perfect?

Create partnerships with established brands who have an existing audience full of your ideal clients and do what you already love doing - teaching.

Here's everything you'll get with the Profit With Talks
& Webinars Toolkit:

  • How To Identify "Gold-Mine" Partnerships: Use our training guide to help you identify the most worthwhile partnerships that are likely to result in profitable talks or webinars. We'll show you the exact steps we take to discover those "hidden gems" so you don't waste time reaching out to organisations that will unlikely have your best-fit clients.
  • The "Market Your Value" Scripts and Templates For Getting Booked: To be successful with partnerships you must know how to get the attention of a busy organisation's decision-maker. Many coaches make the mistake of saying the wrong things at the wrong time, which means lost opportunities at making a great, first impression.

    With our "Market Your Value" scripts and templates, we help you with word-for-word scripts which shows you how to "sell" your talk or webinar and show prospective partners how you can add value to their content marketing leaving them eager to host you in front of their audiences.
  • The "Busy Hive" Promotional Sales Copy: It doesn't matter if you have an excellent talk or webinar. If the room isn't buzzing with people (and lots of them), then no one can hear your pitch. With our "Busy Hive" promotional sales copy, make it easy for your partners to help you get guests through the door so you can have more ears to pitch to. The more ears that hear you, the more you can turn a profit.
  • The "Perfect Talks & Webinars" Outline and Scripts: You have their attention. Don't lose it with a talk or webinar that's average at best. Our "Perfect Talks & Webinars" script is what we use to successfully sell courses, programs and convert leads into clients. Now we're giving you our framework that will help you share your knowledge in a way that delivers impact and gets your audience to move to buy your products or programs or work with you.
  • The "Follow-Up and Close" Email Templates: It's critical that you have a system to follow-up with your attendees who expressed an interest in knowing more about how they can work with you. Use our follow-up email templates to put together a campaign that moves your prospects to the "buying" phase quickly and seamlessly.
  • Profit With Talks & Webinars Outreach Tracker: We're making it easy for you to stay on track with your outreach efforts so you know who to follow up with and when.
  • Lead Magnet Ideas for Talks and Webinars: How do you get someone to raise their hand and say "yes" they're interested in working with you? Offering "freebies" is the number one tactic that we use to get prospective clients pouring into our business so we can work our magic to convert them into paying clients. Our lead magnet ideas and guide helps you craft the perfect "freebie" designed specifically for your talk or webinar, that will make your attendees want to grab it up and on their way to working with you.

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