We do all the hard work creating our done-for-you marketing templates so you don’t have to start from scratch.
We do all the hard work creating our done-for-you marketing templates so you don’t have to start from scratch.
Our templates are written by a team of digital marketers and are available to you so you won't have to spend time doing the research and creating content from scratch or spend money hiring expensive copywriters or marketing strategists. Why try to figure everything out yourself when you can choose the template that's best for you, download it, fill in the blanks and go.
When you're overwhelmed by all the things you have to do, that can impact the way you show up to your prospects and clients. Because our templates make it easy for coaches to market their business they help to reduce their workload so coaches can increase their value and service to their prospects and clients.
Our templates are tried and tested from the many campaigns we personally run. You can therefore plug and play what has already worked and tweak it to your business, giving you a better chance of creating effective strategies that bring you results.
We will tell you exactly what to write, when to post and give you the launch plan to sell your digital info products.
That helps you create, market and sell digital info products even if you've never created or sold anything online before.
Download our 10-day action plan for authors and creators to learn how to launch and sell a simple digital info product (e.g eBook, online course or workshop) that attracts clients and kickstarts the buying journey.
Download our 10-day action plan for coaches and creatives to learn how to launch and sell a simple digital product that attracts clients and kickstarts the buying journey.
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Legal Disclaimer: The information that is provided in any digital product is information that has worked successfully for the author of the product. Whilst we try to provide information that is accurate, it should not be taken as professional advice. Results are not typical. We are not implying that you will duplicate the results if you follow the instructions provided in these digital products. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience and work ethic. All businesses involves risk as well as massive, consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that then you should not buy any of the digital products. Therefore, there is no guarantee and there is no warranty with respect to applying the information contained in the digital products. We do not claim any liability in connection with the use of the information that is provided in any digital product.